Y'all know that I'm a big Andy Andrews fan, so I was very excited to read his latest, The Bottom of the Pool. The best way that I can describe this book is like sitting down with your friend and they remind you how it is. It's not like Andy is hawking some secret voodoo send me $5 and you'll get $5000 in the mail next week black magic. He's sharing the truth. And the truth is that if you're dealing with an obstacle in your life, there's a big possibility that you're thinking about it all wrong.
This relatively quick read is jam-packed full of good stuff.
The entire book is set up in a way to mimic the very idea that Andy is trying to get across. He shows with the way the book is written, the stories he shares, and the information exactly how the bottom of the pool concept works. It's so easy, you'll wonder why you didn't think of it before and then you'll start applying in all sorts of areas of your life. This book isn't just for business folks, it's for everybody from us stay at home moms to the top executives to entrepreneurs and everyone in between.
This is definitely one of those books that you should buy two hard copies of. One for you to write in and take notes about and revisit. And the other to lend out to friends because you're going to want folks to be reading this so that you can talk about it with them.
I received a copy of this book through NetGalley for the purpose of review. I'm never required to give a good review but always thankful when I can.
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