Welcome to week two of six on the book of Galatians! Study Questions Week 2 Have you ever thought that the time for something to happen has passed? Take some time to look up some stories of those that have waited a long time for something in scripture (Abraham and Sarah's baby, David's time between being anointed as king and serving in that role, the prophets) What mistakes did they make? What did they get right? What can we learn from their waiting and apply it to our own lives? God shows no favoritism. Do you ever feel like you are the forgotten child? The one that is left out and overlooked? Spend some time this week in a quiet space and pray this breath prayer Breathe in "Abba" Breathe out "I belong to you" Contemplate how God loves you and wants the best for you. If you have the time and desire, memorize the scripture from Jeremiah 29:12-14 Paul is very familiar with the law as a Pharisee, part of his job...