I'm pretty sure that the majority of us have heard the phrase "One man's trash, another man's treasure." Well, Sky Lantern is more of a story of one man's trash becomes the same man's treasure. One morning, Mikalatos picked up a piece of trash from the end of his drive, he discovered that it was a sky lantern with a simple message of "Love you, Dad. Miss you so much. Steph." As Mikalatos pondered on this simple message, he felt compelled to write Steph a letter, but since he had no idea who she was or where she lived, he put her letter on the internet to share with the world. You can read it here . The letter went viral. So viral that it found Steph thousands of miles away. So how is it that this trash became treasure? As Mikalatos shares in this book, it changed the way that he interacted with his daughters, becoming more intentional of leaving a love note for each of them. The trash also became treasure in that it lead him to a rich relati...