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Showing posts from October, 2014

MaD Cooking Show Season 2 Episode 1 Lava cakes

We made some lava cakes to kick off the new season. Turns out that they are not as tasty right from the oven as they are later that night. Even though Hannah didn't enjoy them for the show, she said they weren't too bad when she had one heated up later that evening. But still, they aren't the best. The best we've ever had was probably a mix from King Arthur Flour. You can find them online here ( ) And just in case you want to try the recipe we made for yourself, here's the link for it, too. Here's the video and if doesn't play for you, you can find the link for it directly below.

Life Remodeled

This past summer, Joel and I went down to Detroit and helped out with the organization Life Remodeled. They're going into neighborhoods and changing lives by cleaning up blight and connecting with people. I like the shirt, I wear it when I clean, as can be witnessed by the little tiny bleach spot near the roofline above the L. I didn't know then how different our life would be today. I'll start from the semi beginning. As many of you know, I have poly cystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). It basically means my hormones don't always produce eggs when they're supposed to and I can't rely on my period to set my clock. It's been in my mind one of the major reasons we've been unable to conceive for the past ten years. Yes, we started trying for another child almost immediately after Hannah was born. For the past five years or so, I became so entrenched in the reality that we weren't getting pregnant that missing a period was no longer a cause to run out and by a ...

Facing the Music by Jennifer Knapp

I remember during my first year of seminary my friend, Scott, dropping by my room with a cd. I didn't listen to much contemporary christian music, so I told him I would listen, but I was pretty certain inside that I would be giving it back to him. Turns out I didn't return it, I kept it. I loved it so much, I had to buy a second copy. And I had to buy the next cd and the next. That cd was Jennifer Knapp's Kansas. Her songs defined for me what good christian music should be like, heavily steeped in scripture and emotion, with a little soul thrown in to make it rock. In 2002, Joel and I raced our way across the country from Seattle to Wisconsin so that he could start a new job and we could catch her in concert at his new church. We listened to all of her songs on repeat the whole way. And when we had the opportunity to meet her, I was struck by what she shared. She told us that she had a dream that she was on a plane and it crashed. She was sad that it wasn't true. I was ...


This year in Bible study, we're looking at the return to Jerusalem. So for the last few weeks, we've been in the throws of the exile. The people of Israel were doing pretty well, worshipping God, defeating their bad neighbors, but then they decided they didn't like being different. They wanted to be just like everyone else, so they asked for a king! We want to be just like everyone else, give us a king! God clearly told them the downside of having one, they'll take your money, your land, your daughters, your life. But they were still determined that they wanted one. Their first king, he looked so good, just like a king should, tall and handsome. Now the fact that he was an impatient maniac, well, that didn't seem to bother the people too much. The next guy, he was a good king. He was pursuing God's heart, most of the time. The best part was that he recognized when others pointed out that he was going astray and he course corrected. His son inherited the thro...