I'm thankful for such a wonderful husband! He takes care of me and loves me and I couldn't ask any thing more of him than he already offers on his own. He rocks! Love you. SP!
I'm thankful for trying new things. It's really made a difference in our daily lives, getting out and trying just one new thing has lead to so many positive interactions with the world.
I'm thankful for my novel. Do you see my word count at the top over there ----->
Well that means that for the past week, I've been getting up every morning before the sun and spending about an hour or so writing each day. My novel is not what I desire of it yet, but I also feel like the first 20,000 words of an unplanned work are trying to work their way into what the story is really about. I think I'm starting to get closer to what God desires Dear Diet to be about.
I'm thankful for my little girl and the fact that as human as I think she is, she's still just a little girl. I love that about her and I'm so thankful that she helps me remember that sometimes.
I'm thankful for my two kitties. Last night, as they were about to enter into their silly night time moments, they walked up to each other and gave one another some kitty kisses on the nose. It was so sweet. I'm looking forward to more good things from the two of them.
I'm thankful for prayer. I have a lot of different things I'm praying about right now. And sometimes, the wave feels like it's turning into a tsunami, but then I remember to try new things in prayer and imagine different ways of talking with Jesus and it gets better. I'm honored with the fact that I have prayer requests that I can lift up. My hope is that my prayers are a fragrant incense to the Lord our God.
What are you thankful for?
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