I remember the first time I heard about Imaginary Jesus . Joel told me that I should read it because he had enjoyed it so much. I did not read it, mainly because the cover was just a little too much for me at the time and I think I had confused it with another book that he read around the same time that I was not interested it. Well, earlier this year, I had the opportunity to read it and really enjoyed it. Matt Mikalatos does a wonderful job of exposing the reality of modern Christianity. We often create Jesus in our own image and put great limitations on what Jesus can do in our lives. Mikalatos does this with great humor and creativity. There are various imaginary Jesus' that Mikalatos encounters in the book, my favorite is probably Magic 8 ball Jesus. He has a few set answers and you never really know which one you are going to get when you pray. I enjoyed the book so much that I recommended it to my book club and they gracio...