Jenny B. Jone's story of Lucy and Alex is modern day fairy tale. The ugly step sister of society is picked out by the beautiful prince only to discover that her prince is not as broken as she thought and that she is a princess after all.
In Save the Date, Alex and Lucy have an easy relationship right from the beginning and it develops into a great love by the end of the book. I enjoyed reading their story. Jenny B. Jones took some age old concepts of romance and shows the reader how they can still happen today.
My favorite relationship in the story though was probably Claire Devaraux and her man, Julian. It was comical to read their interactions and to see their love for one another. A love that was not based in romance but out of need, a true need for God and for each other.
Jenny B. Jones does an excellent job of crafting a love story fit for Cinderella herself. It is a wonderful weekend read with characters that could very well be friends of yours. I would recommend it as beach reading this summer or for a snow weekend in front of the fire.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the
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