Hart’s storytelling is excellent, and easy to read. I grew up in the Charleston area and feel like she did an great job of propagating the myth that all true Charlestonians are a different kind of folk. Though Hart did not use the dialogue to highlight the Southern charm, she did use some unusual terms that would only be found in the homes of Charleston such as “piazza”. It was delightful to read about streets and homes that I have passed by numerous times. And to think about traveling along I-26 as I have done too many times to count.
There are four main characters that we get to know well in the book and because of that I would say that for me the story line was not about Ray and Anne, which is what the back cover suggests. I was far more intrigued with the stories of Della and Lish. Which are both stories of women struggling with interior problem. It is a great weekend read or for a trip to the beach.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their BookSneeze.com
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