I'll be the first to admit it, I have bought some junk in my day, things that I have thought to myself, "Never again!" but I have also been fortunate to make a few that I am still pleased with even years later. I thought I would share one or two with you today...
About 8 years ago, we purchased a 2003 VW Jetta TDI. It's a diesel. We have gotten amazing fuel consumption with it and it has been good to us. Just last week, we had to take it in to the shop. It had some routine maintenance done and they discovered a carbon build up in the intake system. The shop removed the majority of the build up. It now drives like BRAND NEW. This car is just as much fun to drive today as it was the day we drove it off the lot, maybe even more so, because we're not concerned about scratches or dings. Our car has 91,000 miles on it and it is a pleasure to drive. And I ask you, have you ever seen a Jetta on the side of the road broke down? It has held up its resale value just like the salesman predicted. The worst part is that you can't find these things for sale, people love them and aren't willing to get rid of them on a consistent basis.
Okay, enough car talk, here's something else that I love...
The Keurig
We've had our Keurig since around Christmas 2005. I still enjoy waking up and brewing a K-cup. We've tried more varieties than I can name in a single blog post, but I can tell you, I love having the flavored coffees at Christmas time. Sometimes flavored coffees can be overkill if you have to drink an entire pot, but when you have one perfectly brewed cup, it's excellent. I also love having hot water available for tea or cooking. And if compared with the cost of a gourmet cup of coffee, it's a real steal. And it's fast, super fast. I've offered coffee to people and they were shocked at how quickly it came back to them. We have also invested in the "MyKCup" system, where you can put your own coffee into a reusable filter. This is excellent when you have a bag of coffee or if you run out of K-cups. I'm going to go finish my morning cup now :D
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About 8 years ago, we purchased a 2003 VW Jetta TDI. It's a diesel. We have gotten amazing fuel consumption with it and it has been good to us. Just last week, we had to take it in to the shop. It had some routine maintenance done and they discovered a carbon build up in the intake system. The shop removed the majority of the build up. It now drives like BRAND NEW. This car is just as much fun to drive today as it was the day we drove it off the lot, maybe even more so, because we're not concerned about scratches or dings. Our car has 91,000 miles on it and it is a pleasure to drive. And I ask you, have you ever seen a Jetta on the side of the road broke down? It has held up its resale value just like the salesman predicted. The worst part is that you can't find these things for sale, people love them and aren't willing to get rid of them on a consistent basis.
Okay, enough car talk, here's something else that I love...
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