I devoured this book within twenty four short hours, but I believe that it will take me many more to comprehend the depth of Don Miller's understanding of Story. Miller does an excellent job of expressing the lowness he was feeling when this book began its life. He also shows the growing points that helped pull him out of that time in his life. But that isn't the real focus of A Million Miles. It's really about God's work in our lives and the ability to trust in a loving God that desires for us to live more fully and love more deeply. The line that bridged the gap between just another story and something meaningful came to me from the sixth chapter, when Miller states about his screenplay character "I didn't mind putting Don through conflict, because I knew no matter what happened to him we would make things work out before the end" (p31). This is the truth of God in our lives; fear of conflict should be banished, because it is going to work out. Miller...